2017 in Review - A Hit Songs Deconstructed Trend Report

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Hit Songs Deconstructed recently released its annual trend report, 2017 in Review. This in-depth report spotlights the compositional trends for the songs that landed in the Billboard Hot 100 Top 10 in 2017. It details the most popular compositional characteristics, which trends are on the rise, which are in decline, and includes a focus on artists, songwriters, producers, and labels.

Below are a few notable compositional characteristics on the rise. To download a PDF with additional highlights from this report, please fill out the form and click submit.

2016 2017 Change
Hip Hop/Rap (Primary Genre) 19% 33% +14%
Hip Hop/Rap (Influence) 51% 68% +17%
Trap (Influence) 39% 53% +14%
Songs with Both Sung and Rapped Vocals 35% 47% +12%
Songs That Utilize Claps/Snaps 67% 82% +15%
Songs in a Minor key 58% 62% +4%

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